Neoregelia carolinae tricolor ©

Neoregelias grow as epiphytes in the Rain Forest of eastern Brazil. The genus belongs to the subfamily Bromelioideae. Many of the Neoregelia undergo spectacular changes of coloration as they come into bloom.

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Descriptive notes for each  plant:
Culture  -  Habitat - Year discovered

Neoregelia.kautskyi.jpg (38748 bytes)

Neoregelia.Yellow.Pinwheel.jpg (33166 bytes)

Neoregelia.sarmentosa.jpg (76370 bytes)

Neoregelia kautskyi

Neo 'Yellow Pinwheel



Neo. sarmentosa var. chlorosticta



Neoregelia.lilliputiana.jpg (39989 bytes)

Neoregelia.spectabilis.jpg (84352 bytes)

Neoregelia.Fairy.Paint.jpg (67907 bytes)

Neoregelia. lilliputiana Neoregelia spectabilis



Neoregelia 'Fairy Paint'

Neoregelia.concentrica.wild.jpg (40825 bytes)

Neoregelia.Yellow.King.jpg (33266 bytes)

Neoregelia.concentrica.plutonis.jpg (47323 bytes)

Neo. concentrica - collected from wild Neo 'Yellow King'




Neo. concentrica plutonis

Neoregelia.Charm.jpg (79747 bytes)

Neoregelia.carolinae.jpg (63884 bytes)

Neoregelia.carolinae.meyendorfii.jpg (48894 bytes)

Neo. Charm
Neoregelia carolinae tricolor




Neo. carolinae var. meyendorfii



Neo.lilliputiana.jpg (56666 bytes)  



Neo. lilliputiana


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